[rescue] 10base2 Cable

Michael Dombrowski ab1244 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 6 20:44:52 EDT 2024

 Thanks for the offer. I'll keep that in mind

    On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 07:14:42 PM CDT, Jonathan Chapman via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:  
 > I need to get a Decstation 5000/200 on my network. It only has 10base2. I have a hub with 10base2 coming, but I need a cable, does anyone have a set to sell? Pretty much any length would work, but I need terminators x2, Ts x2, and the cable.

If you can't find it elsewhere, ping me after VCF East. I have at least one nearly full 1000 ft roll of "branded for Ethernet" coax, tons of BNC crimps, T connectors, terminators, etc. Definitely not getting done before VCF East though!

> Does it not have an AUI port for ThickWire? You could buy a cheap
> 10Base-T transceiver if that would work better for you.

Pretty sure mine lacks AUI and is literally just a BNC for Ethernet on the back, but I'd have to check.


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