[rescue] 10base2 Cable

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Sat Apr 6 23:27:25 EDT 2024

>> I need to get a Decstation 5000/200 on my network. It only has 10base2. I h$

If you have a _very_ short connection, you may be able to get away with
ignoring having proper co-ax and termination and such.  I've had
thinnet work with two pieces of bare wire as the "co-ax", one wrapped
around the shells and the other stuck into the centre connectors.  No
terminators, no carefully-controlled impedance, nothing - while I am
not an RF engineer, I suspect that, since it was all of about three
inches of wire, the echos died out fast enough it didn't matter.

Of course, this is all just "it worked for me".  It may not work for
you.  (And, I don't know whether the output drivers are short-circuit
tolerant, but I made damn sure the two pieces of bare wire didn't

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