[rescue] ***SPAM*** Re: ***SPAM*** Re: off-topic but advice needed for the involuntary hardware upgrade for Win 11?

Phil Stracchino phils at caerllewys.net
Wed Dec 25 23:38:54 EST 2024

On 12/25/24 18:30, Mouse via rescue wrote:
>> Theoretically, loosening the TPM standard will loosen security.
> People tend to forget that, whenever you talk about "security", you
> really should at least think about "security against what/whom?".
> Personally, the kind of entities TPM is designed to trust - Microsoft
> is a good example - are near the top of the list of entities I want to
> be secure against.  In short, TPM does not provide any security I
> actually want.

In fact, to be more explicit:  "Trusted Computing" does nothing to stop 
anyone from, for example, stealing your passwords and banking 
information via keylogging, or sniffing your traffic.  The *ONE PERSON* 
whom "Trusted Computing" explicitly *DOES NOT* trust is *YOU*, the owner.

It was not designed to protect anything *of yours*.  It was designed to 
protect *THEIR* property.

   Phil Stracchino
   Fenian House Publishing
   phils at caerllewys.net
   phil at co.ordinate.org
   Landline: +1.603.293.8485
   Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958

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