[rescue] Sparcstation 20 parts

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Tue Dec 31 12:31:47 EST 2024

> I bought a Sparcstation 20 of eBay that came in destroyed [...]


> 1x 13w3 video card

This could be any of many things.  What's its part number?  (If it's a
Sun card, at least - Sun cards have stickers with long numbers
beginning 501; the first seven digits of that number are the part
number.  For example, I have a (completely different) bit of Sun kit
which has a sticker bearing the nunber 5011667001685, so its part
number is 501-1667.)

This is relevant largely because, while some of the possibilities are
common as dirt, some are comparatively sought-after.

If it's _not_ a Sun card, you might have to put it into a working SBus
system to find out what it is.  (Of course, if you don't have any
working SBus machines, that makes it more difficult....)

If all else fails, photos may help someone recognize it.

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