[rescue] Sparcstation 20 parts

Safar Mashtizadeh msamit at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 14:30:09 EST 2024

Hello Stefan,
I’m interested in the items. 
Please text me at (707),733,6505 and let me know how we can go forward. 
Happy new year.  
Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 31, 2024, at 9:32 AM, Mouse via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>> I bought a Sparcstation 20 of eBay that came in destroyed [...]
> *wince*
>> 1x 13w3 video card
> This could be any of many things.  What's its part number?  (If it's a
> Sun card, at least - Sun cards have stickers with long numbers
> beginning 501; the first seven digits of that number are the part
> number.  For example, I have a (completely different) bit of Sun kit
> which has a sticker bearing the nunber 5011667001685, so its part
> number is 501-1667.)
> This is relevant largely because, while some of the possibilities are
> common as dirt, some are comparatively sought-after.
> If it's _not_ a Sun card, you might have to put it into a working SBus
> system to find out what it is.  (Of course, if you don't have any
> working SBus machines, that makes it more difficult....)
> If all else fails, photos may help someone recognize it.
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