[rescue] Vaxstation 4000VLC

Michael Dombrowski ab1244 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 25 15:28:09 EST 2024

Hi all,
I've owned many interesting Unix workstations over the years, but never a Vax... until now. I ended up snagging a Vaxstation 4000 VLC on eBay and it is en route. I've been doing some background reading and wanted to query the experts here.
My initial goal is to get a serial console going and my understanding is that I will need to get a MMJ to DB9/25 adapter along with MMJ cable. The machine has a DB25 port, but this can't be used for console.
I'd also eventually love to get a video console going.  The 3W3 to anything adapters seem quite rare nowadays, but it looks like digikey sells 3W3 connectors so an adapter to VGA can be made without too much trouble. 
Mouse and keyboard seem to be the bottleneck. There is a project out there to adapt a PS2 mouse, I haven't found one yet for keyboards.

RAM seems standard and I have a SCSI2SD. I also have an AUI transceiver on the way


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