[rescue] Vaxstation 4000VLC

Michael Dombrowski ab1244 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 29 21:28:14 EST 2024

 For about $15 I got supplies off Amazon and success (at least with a RJ12 cable):
KA48-A V1.3-343-V4.0



The system is in great shape and includes what appears to be a very dead RZ23. I'm rather smitten with the tiny size. It doesn't look like I need to replace the DS1287 to get the system operational. Anyone know of disk images to use with a ZuluSCSI?

    On Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 02:51:43 PM CST, Jan-Benedict Glaw via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:  
 On Tue, 2024-02-27 19:43:34 +0000, Maciej W. Rozycki via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Feb 2024, Michael Dombrowski via rescue wrote:
> >  Thanks all for the hints.I was last really into vintage (less vintage 
> >  at the time!) computing gear in the early-mid 00s. Getting back into 
> >  ~6mos ago, I am shocked at how much the older stuff has gone missing 
> >  and up in value. Pre-Ultra Suns are rare and expensive, MIPS 
> >  Decstations are much rarer still, old big iron has vanished as well. 
> >  Gone are the days when I could buy a Maspar for $68. I used to buy SCSI 
> >  cables in bulk for minimal cost and now they are $30/cable. MMJ 
> >  equipment is the same. For now I ordered a RJ12 cable and DB9 connector 
> >  to build my own...
>  FWIW MMJ plugs are still active parts and are readily available, e.g. 
> <https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/530-940-SP-3066> (for flat cable) or 
> <https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/530-940-SP-3066R-OST> (for round), 
> so you can make your own proper cable assemblies as long you get a hold of 
> an MMJ crimp tool, which also seem to be available (I got mine ~10 years 
> ago and I can see it's no longer being sold, so I can't recommend this 
> particular model).  I believe these plugs have found a new use nowadays, 
> though I can't remember offhand what it is.

They were used neanwhile for DSL routers (TAE cable from wall to MMJ
into the splitter in front of an external PPPoE modem.)

I "recently" (1.5a ago) bought https://www.amazon.de/dp/B010T4YCI2, it
does the job.


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