[rescue] Sun Ultra II in New Mexico

Bob Darlington rdarlington at gmail.com
Sat Nov 16 16:54:57 EST 2024

I'm considering giving up my awesome Ultra 2. Dual 296MHz UltraSPARC-II
procs and 2GB RAM. I'm in northern New Mexico and can't reasonably ship
this very heavy box. Works great. New CR2032 in there for the NVRAM that I
hacked up. No reasonable offer declined. It's running Solaris 10 that was
patched up through probably 2017 (latest patch set I could get my hands on).

Mouse and keyboard (type 5 I think) included as is a VGA adapter. Internal
fast SCSI disks as well.

Anybody local?   Los Alamos, but I'd be willing to meet in Santa Fe if
you're coming from Albuquerque.

I can't stress enough how heavy this thing is.   I can't ship it.

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